The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

We’ve already got 2 breathtakingly-amazing cleansers, but with 2 more in the mix now we have a cleanser for everyone and every occasion. One even covers formal A-list events with its suave black attire ;)

It’s so easy to NOT think about garbage. It’s not really a very nice thing to think about… it can be smelly, and dirty and pretty gross. Best that it’s someone else’s problem. Unfortunately that kind of thinking is way too common, and it has created a bit of a mess.

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We love a good at home pamper session, but sometimes you just wanna be taken care of by a professional. Now you've got 3 good reasons for a professional facial.
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“Cheap supermarket cream beats the big brand names!” is always a headline that will grab your attention. That’s because we all like to save a dollar (or 2) :)
Do you suffer from dry, crocodile skin when the mercury starts to dip? It literally happens overnight. One day you have hydrated skin and the next day it's super dry.
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Ever wondered how to improve your smell? Well, there’s something really easy you can do to make a huge difference. And it’ doesn’t have anything to do with perfume or deodorant.

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Did you know that salt was once known as white gold? The reason salt was so highly prized is because there is no life without salt. Our own blood is a type of salt solution and why hospitals use saline drips.

We have a dirty little secret and once we let you in on this, you’re going to be sporting your best skin. Its use dates back thousands of years. Which goes to show - simple skincare works.

Are you living the dream with a grandiose lifestyle of perpetual fun and excitement (with a good dose of relaxation time thrown in too)? Hmmmm…. We’re not either. Life is hectic. We've got some hacks that will help you reclaim you energy.
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For some crazy reason the term “sun spot” is used to describe a “liver spot” or “age spot”. If you’ve got a sun spot, it doesn’t mean you have skin cancer, but it DOES mean you have some sun damage.
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Get better skin while you sleep. Sounds awesome, doesn’t it? Well we’ve got some good news – it’s totally possible and not one of those things that marketing companies say when they want to sell you their latest and greatest miracle product :)

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So… the strangest thing happened this week… I actually got a chance to SIT DOWN and READ. Oh my. And it’s got the ol’ noggin working overtime. So this week we’ve got something a little different for you to muse over.

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