Sting was definitely before his time. The whole wearing-sunglasses-at-night-thing says it all.
We’re hearing you ask… “Why on earth would I want to wear my sunglasses at night?” Well there’s a good answer, and it has to do with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs).
Look around you and you’ll see energy-saving light globes (i.e. CFLs) everywhere. They save energy, so whywouldn’t you be using them?
Australia banned the old-fashioned incandescent globe and because of that the boffins think that 30 terawatt hours of electricity and 28 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions will be saved between between 2008 and 2020. Wowsers.
But there is a dark side (hehehe).
The high use of CFL’s might be affecting our health and increasing our exposure to UV radiation.
Fluorescent light has been shown to do these mildly ugly things:
- Bring on fatigue and boredom faster
- Trigger irritability
- Cause eye strain and fatigue
But it does get a little more concerning when it comes to UV exposure.
CFL’s have a phosphorous coating inside the tube which is meant to absorb the UV radiation but the problem happens when that coating is cracked. And unfortunately it is very common for the coating to be cracked because of the size of the tubes and the way they twist.
When the coating is cracked CFL’s emit UVA and UVC radiation. We all know that UVA is the main cause of aging your skin so we don’t need any more of that, thank you very much!
UVC is something we’re not usually exposed to, since UVC from the sun doesn’t reach us. This has some people raising the safety question of CFL lights as UVC is very damaging to DNA cells.
This is all relatively new information so the debate has only just begun. Much more research is needed before any definitive recommendations are formed by the experts.
However the results so far are definitely enough to question how and where you use CFL’s. Using them in a reading lamp close to your face might not be the best option for your skin.
Bring back the good ol’ candle we say!
(And what a perfect segue to tell you about a special gift we have for you today) :)
Free soy candle with every order over $30
With artificial light so prevalent in our lives it’s all too easy to forget how nice and relaxing a candle can be.
Who doesn’t love the added romance dinner can have when you share it over candle light? It could be plain old left overs but add some candles and ta-dah!... special romantic meal for 2.
To help spread some candle love we are giving you a limited edition Woohoo Skincare ‘Indulgence’ scented soy wax candle (valued at $19.80). All you have to do is place an order over $30 and after clicking the ‘Checkout’ button you’ll get the chance to add this divine candle to your order.
There is strictly a limited number (76 to be precise when we hit “SAVE” on this blog) so unfortunately once they have been snapped up there aren’t any more. Additional conditions apply (see the checkout for details).
Enjoy, Happy friend :)