Our Ingredients & Formulas
We like to have a lot of fun here at Woohoo Body, but there are a few things we take very seriously and our ingredients top that list!
- aluminium salts
- synthetic fragrances
- phthalates
- mineral oils
- parabens
- sodium lauryl sulphate
- sodium laureth sulphate
- sulphates
- triclosan
- propylene glycol
- artificial colours
- bleaches e.g. benzoyl peroxide
- harsh detergents
- triethanolamine (TEA)
- animal derivatives
- ingredients tested on animals
Woohoo Body's planet-friendly Australian deodorants, skincare and hair care are made using the highest quality natural and organic ingredients that have been sourced from plant and mineral origins (but no mineral oils!), with a focus on effectiveness, safety, and being environmentally aware.
Our creations are high in active ingredients, so the products work hard for you to achieve the best results possible.
The Woohoo style of natural skincare and personal care products is a bit different to other brands out there. We don’t just choose ingredients because they’re natural or organic and are good for you. We take it a few steps beyond that.
Each and every Woohoo Body formula is developed in-house by our co-founder and cosmetic chemist, Aaron, who has a (healthy) obsession with Australia's potent native ingredients and creating unique products that are truly effective yet gentle enough for sensitive skin.
And by conducting all of our research and development at Woohoo HQ (rather than using an external contract manufacturer), we have the advantage of being able to revise and customise our new formulas as many times as needed with complete autonomy to ensure that they do what they are intended to do.
How we choose our ingredients (and our Conscious Chemistry approach to formulating)
To start with, each of our ingredients is selected because of its unique properties that allow it to repair and enhance your skin and hair or - in the case of our deodorants - control body odour.
But that is just the beginning. We then get stuck into what we like to call “Conscious Chemistry”.
Each potential Woohoo Body ingredient is then analysed to ensure every ingredient is:
- Proven to work on REAL skin, not just test tube skin cells
- Proven to be non-toxic and safe*
- Suitable for sensitive skin (i.e. not known to cause irritation)
- Natural, naturally derived, or nature identical (read more on this below 👇)
- Sustainable, ethical, vegan and cruelty free
Next, we get deeper into the Conscious Chemistry of formulating Woohoo products. This is where it gets really good.
It’s science-y and complicated, but what it boils down to is that we look at how ingredients function not just by themselves but in synergy with each other to give you results far better than you would ever expect from natural products.
Our products aren’t like rock bands with a front man who gets all the attention. Oh no.
We like to think of our products as choirs where each and every ingredient has a role to play in creating the most beautiful harmony you could imagine. Corny, but true.
We never choose an ingredient just because it would make our label look impressive. The active ingredients we choose are proven to work on real skin without negative side effects. And we include them at the optimal level to have maximum skin benefits but not go too far as to cause sensitivity or irritation.

Our Ingredients Dictionary
To help you get to know your skincare products inside out we've created an Ingredients Dictionary where you can browse through the list of ingredients we use and learn why we've chosen them and how they'll help your skin.
Transparent labelling
We use the internationally recognised International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) standard for ingredients. This means there are never any hidden ingredients in Woohoo Body products. All ingredients are clearly marked on product labels and are listed in descending order of inclusion. This allows you to make an informed choice about your skincare products.
Unlike many online brands, we believe in complete transparency so any ingredients list you find on our website is 100% complete. No secrets here!
A note about organic skincare
You've probably guessed by now that we're all about transparency. We don't believe in secrets, or greenwashing (i.e. when a brand makes you think they're organic but they're not!). So on that note we want to make sure that you understand that Woohoo Body is not certified organic as a brand.
We use organic ingredients in our formulas, but the products themselves haven't been certified as organic. This is mostly because organic certifications place limitations on our formulas that would mean we can't use many of the active ingredients that make our products so special and effective (remember even if an ingredient is not approved by organic bodies, it doesn't mean it isn't safe).
Plus, organic certifications would add extra expenses which would interfere with us keeping our Woohoo Body range as affordable as possible.
Natural vs Naturally Derived vs Nature Identical - what does “natural” really mean?
Mother Nature has done a marvellous job in creating so many potent and beneficial ingredients for us, and we've created our Woohoo Body range using all natural ingredients. But with so many advances in "natural" ingredients lately, it does make you ask, what does natural skincare really mean? And where do we draw the line between natural and synthetic?
Here at Woohoo HQ we've developed our own definition that we like to go by, and we use this to form a part of the guidelines for which ingredients we use in our magic potions.
In an organic nutshell here's what you can expect to find in our creations:
- We MOSTLY use ingredients that are in their natural state, or as close to it as possible. These make up the bulk of our products.
- We use SOME ingredients that have been modified from their natural state, using processes that occur in nature (these ingredients are called "naturally derived"). These play an important role in water-based products, for example, to emulsify them.
- We MINIMALLY use ingredients that are "nature identical". These ingredients occur in nature but are generally either unethical or unsustainable to extract from nature on a large scale, so we create a human-made identical version. A common example of this is vitamin and mineral supplements like Vitamin C or Iron that you might take every day.
We hand-on-heart believe that using a percentage of some (wo)man-made "naturally derived" and "nature identical" ingredients is the best choice for skincare formulas that are not only incredibly effective at helping your skin and hair, but are also well preserved. Our products are as close to natural as possible, but by adding a bit of clever "conscious chemistry" we are able to make our products really special.
Our nature identical ingredients include some of our most potent actives and are responsible for making your skin so unbelievably happy (like Vitamin C or Vitamin B3!). They're also responsible for helping preserve our products effectively to ensure they're 100% safe for you and your family.
Safety first (but no animal testing)
Our very first priority when it comes to creating beautiful products for you is your health and safety. We live and breathe (and dream) this stuff so you don't have to worry about it. Each and every Woohoo ingredient has been meticulously researched to make sure it's going to be perfect.
We make sure that NOTHING is tested on animals. All of our products have been tested on willing human beings and every ingredient is chosen because it is known to be toxin free and is not linked to any known health concerns or hazards. If any ingredient has a question-mark next to it, we won't use it.
Where can I find the ingredients list for my fave product?
To view the complete ingredients list of any product visit the page for the product and scroll down to click on the 'Ingredients' tab. If you have any questions about the ingredients used in any of our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We're ready and waiting for you :)
* We check all ingredients for safety, consulting the EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP), the ASEAN Cosmetic Scientific Body, The Australian Poison Schedule and consumer websites sites like EWG.