Woohoo Natural Deodorant Paste Sample Pack
from $11.55 $16.50Find your favourite scent with our deodorant paste sample pack.
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It’s no secret that our aluminium moisturiser tubes are gosh darn awesome. However, while eco-friendly and protective, aluminium tubes can sometimes be a little cheeky. Enter: the tube key! It helps prolong the life of your moisturiser tube, *and* makes sure you get every last drop of precious cream out of the tube.
Ever wonder if there’s magic in the air when you pop open a Woohoo deodorant? Well, according to your noses, there just might be! We asked you to describe your favourite Woohoo natural deodorant scents, and oh boy, did your smell-buds have a field day 🎉
There’s no doubt that exfoliation is crucial for healthy, glowing skin. However, overdoing it or using products that are too harsh can leave you with bigger problems. So, let’s dive into the different ways you can exfoliate and explore their pros and cons.
It’s Plastic-Free July, and it’s high time we chatted about swapping out those pesky plastic products for some seriously cool, sustainable alternatives. Whether it’s for your bathroom, kitchen, or daily commute, we’ve got some stellar brands that are leading the charge in making our lives greener. Let's get into it!
We’re not here to take over the planet or become a world-renowned brand. Sure, seeing your name up in lights seems appealing on the surface, but we’re down-to-earth folk, and we’re here with a pretty simple purpose.
We want to deliver products you love to use, in a fun and joy-sparking way. Products that have a positive impact on the world around us. All while providing comfortable living conditions for the Woohoo team members who help to make all of that a reality and making Woohoo HQ a place we want to be!
Ever wondered about how long your deodorant packaging hangs around after you've moved on? With only 5% of global plastics getting recycled, most roll-ons, sticks and cans are here to stay way past their pit duty. But hey, not all heroes wear capes - some come in cardboard tubes! Here’s 5 reasons why our biodegradable cardboard tube deodorants are the superheroes of the armpit world and the best-smelling way to help reduce waste.
Pimples can be a real bummer. From bashful teen years to full-blown adulthood— these little face volcanoes don’t discriminate. Even worse? That dreadful feeling when you know a pimple is brewing, ready to make its red, swollen debut at the worst possible time… like the day of your big presentation or right before a hot date. (Seriously, can these things read calendars?)