The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

Once upon a time we shopped out of necessity. If you needed something, you bought it. But these days things have changed and our purchases are often driven by “wants” instead of “needs”.

And this got us pondering… how many of us are considering what impact our buying behaviours are having on the world?

  • 3 min read
There was once a time when we all believed washing our faces with soap and water was all the cleansing our skin needed. Then double cleansing came along, and our bedtime routines were never the same!
  • 5 min read
As human beings, we crave contact with other humans and right now that’s something a lot of us are having to do without. So today we’re writing this blog post to reach out and give you a big virtual hug and spread some love. Here are 10 ways you can help your community and help create some happiness!
  • 5 min read
Have you ever wondered just how we go about making new products? Yes? Well today’s your lucky day. You’re about to get a peek under the covers of Woohoo Skincare and get some insider goss about the creation of our new haircare range.
In our quest to be as eco-friendly as possible here at Woohoo Body we’ve had to make a couple of compromises. So today we thought we’d have a chat about the “why” behind our cardboard packaging, and give you a few tips and tricks to help you get the hang of it.

Way back – in a past life before I was married – I was the Boarding Officer on Navy patrol boats. And in that role I witnessed a lot of illegal fishing ugliness. That’s why when I heard that the Humane Society International (who we donate 1% of our sales to as a part of 1% for the Planet) have had a massive victory in court to put an end to shark culling on the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, I had to share it.

  • 2 min read
Yes it’s true - in Australia cosmetic products don’t need to have an expiry date displayed. But when a cosmetic chemist develops a formula the goal is for it to last *unopened* in the bottles on a shelf at room temperature for 2 years. Minimum. But how long you have to use it once it's opened is another matter.
  • 4 min read
Moth Bean - despite its very unflattering name - has some pretty flattering powers. Its greatest power lies in its ability to provide retinol (Vitamin A)-like effects on your skin, but without the side effects. You can imagine our excitement when we discovered that there's now a natural and safer retinol alternative.
  • 3 min read
It was a pretty exciting moment yesterday when we wandered down the road to grab the paper - a little birdie had given us a heads up that something really cool was inside…  it was us! ;) 

Can your mood really affect your skin?

The answer - we believe - is a big, fat YES.

(And vice-versa too… your skin can affect your mood big time! We’ve both had our fair share of skin battles Aaron’s eczema and Phoebe’s acne - so we’re all over this one.)

  • 3 min read

WHOA. Being a teenager in the 70,  80s and 90s was way more straightforward than today (anyone remember trying to keep your Tamagotchi alive!?). Teens and tweens are being bombarded by unrealistic images of perfection thanks to social media and, er, Kylie Jenner and have become slaves to their screens.

Perhaps you’re a surfer, or a swimmer? Heck, even if you’re not an ocean lover, surely you’re interested in freeing the planet of pollution? You know, for the greater good and all. With a little thought, we can all do our bit for the environment. Take the ‘Seabin Project’, for example

  • 2 min read
