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Why you SHOULDN’T buy Mum a present this Mothers Day

  • 1 min read

You probably celebrate Mothers Day every year, but do you know why?

Mother’s Day has been an official holiday since 1912 when a courageous lady named Anne Jarvis fought for a day that would be dedicated to helping the working conditions of women.

It exploded from there with Mother’s Day now celebrated in over 70 countries. In a sad twist it became too successful in Anne’s eyes.


Anne was so upset by people buying presents and the commercialisation of the day that she wished she had never started it. She spent the rest of her life strongly opposed to what Mother’s Day had become. Her passion to stop it got her arrested for disturbing the peace during a protest at a Mother’s Day event.

Say it with a Personal Touch

We don’t always need to show our appreciation with flash presents. The memory of a personal heartfelt gesture lasts forever. How long has it been since you wrote your mother a letter? Gave her a hug? Told her you love her?

We would love to hear your ideas for how you can show Mum how you feel without spending money
