Step 1: Add one part of the ancient roman festival Lupercalia. A fertility and purification ceremony where boys would draw a girl’s name from a bowl and escort her to the festival on Feb 14
Step 2: Add a sprinkle of Christianity and St Valentine the Patron Saint of Lovers and Engaged Couples.
Step 3:Finally add a pinch of Richard Cadbury and Esther Howland. Esther created the first valentines card in 1844 and Cadbury (yes Cadburys Chocolate) would you believe came up with the idea of a valentine’s chocolates box. I wonder if he created the Easter Bunny as well.
Cook for about hundreds years and … viola! A freshly baked Valentine’s Day for 2017 :)
OK, OK, we know that is a gross simplification and omission of many historical twists and turns. Valentine’s Day is a complicated evolutionary mix of Paganism, Christianity and Capitalism.
But there's no escaping what Valentine’s Day is these days. It’s a day of looooove and buying gifts for our sweethearts, whether they know it or not. Florists and Mr Cadbury love this time of year.
We all love to feel needed and loved. And that includes self-love.
Showing yourself some love is not only a good thing but necessary, because so many of us (especially the parents!!) keep putting ourselves last, and that can take its toll on you.
If we’re not healthy (body, mind and spirit) then we are not in the best position to love and support our families and community.
Taking some time for you is not selfish. It doesn’t matter if its 2 minutes, 15 minutes, an hour or a whole day. As long as it fits in with your life it’s a win-win :)
An Eye Opening Statistic
As we were reading about Valentine’s Day we came across the statistic that 15% of US women will send themselves flowers.
Some of those women may have done it to look good in front of others, but we hope that more did it as something nice for themselves. If you like fresh flowers and it makes your home a more peaceful place then get your flower power on.
Retail therapy is not the only way to treat yourself. Take the dog for a walk. Or go to beach carrying nothing but a towel and your book (parents who have been a beach donkey for the kids will understand).
It doesn’t matter which one of these you do. They’re all good for your soul.
FREEBIE TIME - A Valentine’s gift from us to you
If you’re partial to bit of retail therapy and flowers aren’t your thing then we have little deal for you. We’re including a free gift with every order from now until next Monday night. Yes… EVERY order :)
If your order is $50 or more, you can choose one of our delicious new creams as your free gift (valued at $27.50). It’s going to be a tough decision – will you go for the Warm Fuzzies Firming Body Cream or the Pep Me Up Hand and Foot Cream?? Hmmmm…
If your order is under $50 we’ve saved you the conundrum of having to decide and you’ll be receiving a tube of our lip softening ‘You Crack Me Up!’ Lip Balm (valued at $9.90).
Think of it as little Valentines hug, kiss and foot massage from Phoebe and Aaron ;)
Please note: This offer is valid until midnight Monday 20 Feb 2017. Read the special offer terms and conditions here.