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The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

Our woo-tastic team knows (and loves) Woohoo better than anyone! We’ve asked them to spill the beans on the products they can't live without.
  • 3 min read

Ever wondered what it's like to work at Woohoo... especially during the silly season!?

Step right up for the grand tour and see how your Woohoo Wonders are whipped up, wrapped up, and sent on their way to you from our fun-filled factory 🤩.

  • 2 min read
Have you ever wondered just how we go about making new products? Yes? Well today’s your lucky day. You’re about to get a peek under the covers of Woohoo Skincare and get some insider goss about the creation of our new haircare range.

It’s with an *immense* amount of happiness and a few sighs of relief that today we can announce that the new Happy Shed is OPEN! Woohooooooo.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind as we finished renovating and moved into the brand new, bigger, snazzier, custom-built Happy Shed.

Our FABULOUS in-house beauty therapist, Jen, has been brave enough to share a couple of her most memorable beauty blunders with us and after we had a chuckle in the office, she actually agreed to let us share them with you on the blog. So you’re in for a treat today - just don’t try these at home, kids.
It occurred to us the other day that we’ve never really given you a peek into the everyday going-ons of our Happy HQ (where all the magic happens!). Though it’s nowhere near as glamorous as people might think it is, we thought it might be a bit fun to walk you through a typical day.
When it comes to our happy little world, the men are definitely outnumbered. There’s a heck of a lot of girl power behind Woohoo Skincare, and today we want to give you a glimpse at the phenomenal team responsible for making your skin (and you, we hope!) so ridiculously happy.
