Don’t buy anything pink during October till you’ve read this

  • 2 min read

1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer

Have you noticed the shelves in your supermarket turning pink this month? It’s because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and given the statistic that 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed, it is an extremely worthy cause.

But there is a dark side.

“Pink Washing” – a clever marketing ploy?

It doesn’t seem right that the large cosmetic corporations have a monopoly on the pink ribbon. Just a short time ago the National Breast Cancer Foundation had a message on their website saying they weren’t in need of any more partners from the cosmetics industry – it seemed that Estee Lauder and Avon had it under wraps.

It’s great that these big cosmetics companies support breast cancer awareness but if they really cared they wouldn’t continue to use questionable ingredients – the very same ingredients that are linked to cancer (like parabens, for exampe).

To us it’s just plain hypocritical.

So we have decided to be the difference we want to see.

Woohoo Skincare has become a fundraising partner for the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation for the entire month of October. Unlike the large corporations we are not doing the boring old 10% or 35 cent donation or even putting a cap on the donation.

For every single product sold we will donate $5 (a bit less from lip balms).

You can be a part of the change. Simply send or share this newsletter with anyone and everyone you know.

And if you are running low on your favourite product your purchase will also result in 5 Dollars being donated to the HBCF.

Click here to order now and help make a difference.

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