I am a huge advocate of natural skincare products that do not contain potentially hazardous ingredients.
The scary thing is that so many products contain them (even those that you can buy from a health food store).
I hear you ask – “Why”?
Simple answer: because they’re cheap, readily available, and easy to dilute.
Have you checked to see which ingredients are in the products you use every day?
I recommend you check right now.
Last time I told you about these 3 ingredients not to put on your skin:
- Parabens (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl and Propyl),
- Sulphates (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES)), and
- Triclosan
Today, I have some more potentially toxic ingredients to tell you about.
Mineral Oil, Paraffin, and Petrolatum
Paraffin Oil (also called Mineral oil) is clear, liquid oil with no scent and will not spoil. Petrolatum (also known as Petroleum jelly, Vaseline, or soft paraffin) is a semi-solid mixture that is colourless or pale yellow.
These ingredients are produced as a by-product of the distillation of gasoline from crude oil (i.e. from black oil pumped from deep underground) and are major ingredients in Sorbolene, Bio-Oil, and many baby care products.
These petroleum products coat the skin like plastic – clogging pores and creating a build-up of toxins. They can slow cellular development, creating earlier signs of ageing. They’re implicated as a cause of eczema and a suspected cause of cancer. Plus, they can disrupt hormonal activity.
Propylene glycol
Propylene Glycol is employed in skin care products as a humectant, or put simply a substance that can help the skin retain moisture. Additionally, it enhances the assimilation of other components within the product into your skin.
As well as being in countless skincare, anti-ageing, and makeup products, it’s also found in brake fluid, anti freeze, and photographic chemicals.
Whilst it may work there is certainly data showing that among other concerns, including cancer, the usage of Propylene Glycol on your skin is a potentially serious skin irritant. It may inhibit skin cell growth and has been linked to kidney and liver problems. Despite this, it is still seen as a safe ingredient and whether or not to avoid it is still under debate.
Phenol carbolic acid
This is an organic compound that is found in many lotions, skin creams, sunscreens, and hair dyes. It is a product of the distillation of coal tar, among other organic substances, and can also be made synthetically.
Phenol carbolic acid can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma and even death from respiratory failure.
1,4-Dioxane is not listed as an ingredient, but is a by-product of any number of ingredients such as PEG, polysorbates, laureth, and ethoxylated alcohols.
Dioxane has been linked to cancer and is raising a great deal of concern not only for its presence in so many products but because it has been found in many ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ products. The nasal passages and liver are the most vulnerable. It is a synthetic derivative of coconut. Watch for hidden language on labels, such as “comes from coconut”.
Beware of this ingredient as it may be very poisonous – Toluene is a solvent that is a colourless flammable liquid obtained from coal tar or petroleum. The International Fragrance Association has stated it to be unsafe for use in cosmetics.
Although there haven’t been enough studies done on humans to determine whether or not toluene causes cancer, it is well known to damage the central nervous system and can also cause anaemia, lowered blood cell count, and damage to the liver and kidneys. Pregnant woman exposed to toluene have been known to give birth to deformed babies.
Toluene also breaks down the skin’s natural protective layer resulting in rashes and red, dry, itchy skin.
Amazingly, toluene is contained in almost all synthetic perfumes and other fragrances, in nail polishes, cosmetics and other skin care products. It is any wonder why the prevalence of dry skin and eczema has reached epidemic proportions?
Now after reading about those ingredients, would you eat any of them?
If you wouldn’t eat an ingredient due to it being unsafe, you really shouldn’t put it on your skin.
Your skin is your body’s largest and thinnest organ. Anything that you put onto your skin has a very high chance of soaking through your skin and into your blood stream.
Who is Watching Out for You?
Unfortunately the majority of these ingredients are completely legal for use in skincare and it is up to you to educate yourself and make smart choices about which products to use.
The Woohoo Skincare Perfectly Happy Light Anti-Oxidant Cream is a daily moisturiser that is completely guaranteed not to contain any potentially harmful chemicals.
If you have checked your regular daily moisturiser’s ingredients list and found ANY of the ingredients discussed above, I recommend you switching products as of yesterday.
Until next time stay Happy :)